HG - The Hospitality Group
HG stands for The Hospitality Group
Here you will find, what does HG stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Hospitality Group? The Hospitality Group can be abbreviated as HG What does HG stand for? HG stands for The Hospitality Group. What does The Hospitality Group mean?The Netherlands based company is located in Maastricht, Limburg engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HG
- High Grade
- Home And Garden
- Herzlichen Glückwunsch
- High Ground
- Human Geography
- Hey Guys
- Herbert George
- Hunting And Gathering
View 249 other definitions of HG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HA The Halley Academy
- HAPF Health and Aging Policy Fellowship
- HT House of Tiles
- HCH Heartland Care Hospice
- H2HR House 2 Home Realty
- HGF Head Gear Films
- HEL Hawthorn Estates Ltd
- HCR Hotel Costa Real
- HLO Happy Look Optics
- HLS Heritage Luxury Suites
- HCD Hypatia for Comprehensive Development
- HGVA High Ground Veterans Advocacy
- HDI Hans Dairy Inc
- HC The Hove Clinic
- HCS Holland Computer Systems
- HGC Haig Graphic Communications
- HCMS Hill Country Middle School
- HFF Health First Fitness
- HPN Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience
- HGRL Hanover Green Retail LLP